Jay Fine: Ferries Racing the Storm
Jay Fine: The Storm Cloud Approaches
Jay Fine: Lightning strike near the Statue of Liberty.
Jay Fine: Lightning strike downtown
Jay Fine: Lightning Strikes Over the Statue of Liberty
Jay Fine: Storm over the Statue of Liberty
Jay Fine: The Big Cloud
Jay Fine: Storm over Bayonne
Jay Fine: NY Harbor Friday Night Before the Storm
Jay Fine: Thunderstorm Monday Night
Jay Fine: NY Harbor Monday Night
Jay Fine: NY Harbor Wednesday Night
Jay Fine: The Pitchfork
Jay Fine: Battery Park City, Looking North, Sunday Night
Jay Fine: Storm Cloud over Jersey City Sunday Evening
Jay Fine: Clouds over the Harbor Tuesday
Jay Fine: The Harbor Saturday Morning
Jay Fine: Composite image of lightning strikes over a five minute period.
Jay Fine: *Lighting strikes over Brooklyn 9:10PM Thursday
Jay Fine: Lighting Strikes over Lower Manhattan 8:50PM Thursday
Jay Fine: Laight Street, hail and rain storm Wednesday evening.
Jay Fine: A yacht flees the approaching storm in NY Harbor Sunday night.
Jay Fine: Strong winds and heavy winds moved across the harbor in a line tonight. Watching the line of the storm in the fading light was like watching a science fiction movie in slow motion. Water and construction sand and debris blow around the base of the Statue.
Jay Fine: The Approaching Storm, Sunday Evening
Jay Fine: New Jersey, March 2012
Jay Fine: The Gathering Storm. Jersey City from the Battery Park City Esplanade, Monday afternoon.
Jay Fine: Storm Cloud over NY Harbor Wednesday Evening.
Jay Fine: Three Lighting Strikes over the Harbor, 7PM Wednesday.
Jay Fine: Fog over the Harbor
Jay Fine: Big cloud over NY Harbor.