Jay Collier: Lily and Mama
Jay Collier: Hello Monhegan
Jay Collier: Hello Monhegan
Jay Collier: A rest ... with a friend
Jay Collier: A rest ... with friends
Jay Collier: Mohegan sunset
Jay Collier: End of trail
Jay Collier: Gull rock
Jay Collier: The boardwalk
Jay Collier: Beware!
Jay Collier: The Ice House crumbles
Jay Collier: Dandelion necklace
Jay Collier: Ice Pond ducks
Jay Collier: Manana
Jay Collier: Contemplating Monhegan village
Jay Collier: From the lighthouse
Jay Collier: Spring arrives
Jay Collier: A dandelion bouquet
Jay Collier: Picking dandelions
Jay Collier: Lily and Mama
Jay Collier: The children's room
Jay Collier: Monhegan Library
Jay Collier: Monhegan lobster traps
Jay Collier: The village waterfront
Jay Collier: More beachcombing
Jay Collier: Monhegan village
Jay Collier: Monhegan village
Jay Collier: A monkey-back ride
Jay Collier: Monhegan village
Jay Collier: From our back porch