Jay Collier: Lily and Mama dance for Nana and Grandpa
Jay Collier: Opening an early gift
Jay Collier: "Wow, what's this?
Jay Collier: "You can take off this dolls socks, Mama!"
Jay Collier: "I'm almost four!"
Jay Collier: At the parade
Jay Collier: Waving the flag
Jay Collier: Flag girl
Jay Collier: The infantry
Jay Collier: "How do they walk in those long dresses, Mama?"
Jay Collier: Give peace a change
Jay Collier: Here they come
Jay Collier: "I love brown horses, Daddy"
Jay Collier: The high school marching band
Jay Collier: The scouts
Jay Collier: The Brownies
Jay Collier: The parade ends
Jay Collier: Ava and Lily
Jay Collier: Exploring
Jay Collier: Exploring the brook
Jay Collier: Cob corn is fun