Jaycatt: Snow Angel
Jaycatt: Jaycatt on Lombard
Jaycatt: Portrait of a nerd
Jaycatt: Jaycatt on piano
Jaycatt: Jaycatt on piano 2
Jaycatt: At the dentist!
Jaycatt: Jaycatt plays at Block Party
Jaycatt: Funneh face
Jaycatt: Makin' Pasta Salad
Jaycatt: Rum Balls!
Jaycatt: Me and a shoulder siamese
Jaycatt: I'm Flyyyyiinnggggg
Jaycatt: 07-08-06_1402.jpg
Jaycatt: Too darned hot!
Jaycatt: Me and de bamboo!
Jaycatt: Me and the purdy flowers
Jaycatt: Jaycatt enjoys his strawberry lemonade
Jaycatt: Me @ the Drunk Puppet Night, drunk!
Jaycatt: Waiting for a ride
Jaycatt: Marc & Jaycatt
Jaycatt: Jaycatt & Marc
Jaycatt: At home!
Jaycatt: Me n' Frogg Playin' for SLNN
Jaycatt: Workin' on the Blog!
Jaycatt: Me!
Jaycatt: Me and Samantha
Jaycatt: Stopped by the Willamette River on a bike ride
Jaycatt: Picture of me next to work
Jaycatt: Smilin at Cabo
Jaycatt: Halp, I is bein explodeds!