Kristofer Williams: 'Gwenfaen's Pillar' - Rhoscolyn, Anglesey
Robgreen13: Legoland
peterstratmoen: D4S_4111
Osdog AFIAP CPAGB BPE3*: Floating Coffee Pot
Pásztor András: Winter wonder | Best of 2018 top 25 | Thank you all!
Trevor Dobson: Star Trails at Guilderton Lighthouse, Western Australia
Chrisnaton: early morning ride
al.barber1: Steampunks at Haworth 211115
Ray Mcbride Photography: "Lurking in the Deep" (Best Viewed Large)
tolle13: The Lone Tree
Buckles Photos: Derwent Isle
Ray Mcbride Photography: "Stormy December Morning" (Fort Perch Rock Lighthouse New Brighton)
Buckles Photos: Buttermere Reflections
Paul Sherriff: Happy frog
tolle13: December dawn
Buckles Photos: Dunstanburgh
John Tymon: Knot Roosting
Buckles Photos: Dunstanburgh Dawn
A-D-Jones: Looking Up
Paul-Farrell: New Brighton marine lake reflections at sunset
Paul-Farrell: Marine lake afterburn LE
tolle13: Crocodilo
tolle13: A break in the clouds
jon9600: The Brewing Storm ......
Ray Mcbride Photography: "Llangollen Picture Postcard"