Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Jesus Is helped by Simon
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON jesus Meets His Mother
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON jesus Falls the First Time
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Ceiling Detail # 2
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Statue of St. Joseph
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Statue of St. John
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Ceiling Detail
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON 2nd SOTC
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Carved Grate
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON 1st SOTC
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Marble Inlay
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Grape Carving
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Shepherd with Lamb
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Statue with Food
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Statue with Stole
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Lectern Detail
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Statue with Book
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Woman with Jug Statue
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Wall Detail
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Praying Woman Statue
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON St. Ambrose Statue
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Woodwork
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Mary and Jesus Glass Door
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Rose Window and Many Saints SG
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON St. Anselm Statue
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Crowned Lord Statue
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Palm of My Hand Relief
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON jesus Rides into Jerusalem
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Two Saints with Red Halos
Jay Costello: CHrist the King Cathedral - Hamilton ON Praying Angels SG