Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Ecce Panis Angelorum
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Clock and Angels
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Holy Family Mural
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Angel with Lute
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral God the Father and Holy Spirit
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral King Louis IX and Court
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Jesus and St. Peter with Sheep
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Mater Christi
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Voice of the Lamb of God
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Seated Man
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Saint with Book
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Angel with Scroll
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Bishop with Staff
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral King David
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Saint Giving a Blessing
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Joan of Arc
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Saint Louis in Armor
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Angel with Flaming Sword
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Saint Joseph
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Saint with Angel
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Ceiling Detail
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Saint with Qwill
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Jesus Seated
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Angel with Trumpet
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Seated Mary
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Seated Woman
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Angel with Censer
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Swordsmen Mural
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Cardinal
Jay Costello: St. Louis Cathedral Pulling the Strings