Jason.Sphotography: BTS photos taken at a Powder Puff Vixen Pinup Photography Photo Shoot
Jason.Sphotography: Randy Allen
Jason.Sphotography: BTS - Powder Puff Vixen Pinup Photography Photo Shoot
Jason.Sphotography: bts at the shoot
Jason.Sphotography: Rubber left on the ground by The Boss
Jason.Sphotography: Racing shoe and tire
Jason.Sphotography: Shalene chilling in The Boss
Jason.Sphotography: bts shot at Western Speedway
Jason.Sphotography: Shalene and Randy and The Boss2
Jason.Sphotography: Shalene and Randy and The Boss2
Jason.Sphotography: Racing shoe and tire2
Jason.Sphotography: Shalene and The Judge