jaxxxon: DSCN1478.JPG
jaxxxon: DSCN1477.JPG
jaxxxon: Cholita
jaxxxon: Magnum P.U.
jaxxxon: Ghost Ride the Whip!
jaxxxon: Pew
jaxxxon: Capital B
jaxxxon: b is for Budwiser
jaxxxon: Aaron's got devil eyes
jaxxxon: DSCN1490.JPG
jaxxxon: Chola es cansada
jaxxxon: DSCN1493.JPG
jaxxxon: Heard it through the Grapevine
jaxxxon: DSCN1495
jaxxxon: Stuffed
jaxxxon: I knew tracie stuffed
jaxxxon: We come for your children
jaxxxon: Horse Pr0n
jaxxxon: I Love Harrahs
jaxxxon: To pee or not to pee?
jaxxxon: Oxygen tubes make it hard to smoke
jaxxxon: She does this when she gets nervous sometimes
jaxxxon: Wrong handsign, duder
jaxxxon: \m/
jaxxxon: Praise Satan!
jaxxxon: Nutz of steel
jaxxxon: Tits of steel
jaxxxon: DSCN1534.JPG
jaxxxon: First you break their arm!
jaxxxon: Then you throw them down!