South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Roses light up my life
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Dandelion Seed Macro - June 23 2018-13
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Dandelion Seed Macro
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Fallen Angel
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Depths of Depression
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Star Light Star Bright
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Red Rose - Tunnel of Love (2)
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Pink & White Macro Roses-5
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Shadow rose-2
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
A rose by any other name-3
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
A rose by any other name
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Seeking the eye of God
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Rose Explosion-8
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Swirling colors-2
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Swirling colors-3
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Sun God - Los Nogales - Santa Elena-2
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Face of bougainvillea - BW
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Lily macronism-5
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Rose Vertigo - BW-2
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Floripondio - Brugmansia - Solanaceae
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Camillia japonica - Pink Perfection - Topaz Studio 2 - BW 2
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
The aliens amongst us.
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Tigers of the valley
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Purple Heart
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Lily of the valley - Oct 2019 - Black and White Photo - Topaz Studio 2 - BW - LR
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Rough around the edges - Oct 2019 - Fine Marker Dwg . Topaz Studio 2 - BW - LR
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Tiger Lily Red Bull
South of the Border Gringo Photography:
Purple profile