wontonion: First prize! (BEHIND THE SCENES)
wontonion: First prize!
wontonion: Rowanberry tree
wontonion: Krille tries some Dogtown-stylin
wontonion: Angryface, cork
wontonion: Some cool grab with a spin
wontonion: Barbequeing at my parents
wontonion: Dad at dinner
wontonion: Preseason: 24/8-08
wontonion: Jens, Joel and Emma at Granudden
wontonion: The joker
wontonion: The dead, dried and dusty moth (in that order)
wontonion: First shot from the session
wontonion: Eric, ollie at Ica Maxi
wontonion: Krille, flip at Maxi curb
wontonion: My mobile phone
wontonion: Jens at Granudden
wontonion: Krille, kickflip
wontonion: Eric, fs flip
wontonion: Oskar, drop in
wontonion: Preparing for party
wontonion: ACL surgery: SUCCESSFUL!
wontonion: Sis' in the forest
wontonion: About time this one got a beating
wontonion: Too much waiting
wontonion: John in his golden pants!
wontonion: Posin' sis'
wontonion: The band pose