jawboneradio: Summer Of The SuperVillain
jawboneradio: Field Sales Reps for Agriculture - so computer ilitterate they don't understand the simplest of directions even though you've told them over and over and over and over
jawboneradio: Whirled Domina
jawboneradio: The Cleverer
jawboneradio: T3 -The OCD Pyromaniac
jawboneradio: Dr. Arthur P. Lemming, horticulturalist
jawboneradio: Baron Von Eric
jawboneradio: Jt3-The Gas Masked Mining Killer
jawboneradio: The Evil Professor Tonedeaf and his 1/2 monkey 1/2 JoCo, 8" tall clone/sidekick, Shag Lee Hansum
jawboneradio: Master Spider
jawboneradio: Evil Robot Elvis
jawboneradio: The Midnight Hug Sneaker
jawboneradio: The Killbillies
jawboneradio: Princess Butt-So-Big
jawboneradio: Guitarro: Master of Shred
jawboneradio: Death by 1000 Cats
jawboneradio: Rock Wolf
jawboneradio: Technology Nurse
jawboneradio: Deadly Snowboardgirl vs Snowsharks
jawboneradio: Lisa the Coffee Vampire
jawboneradio: Professor Mass Historia
jawboneradio: The Vomiteer!
jawboneradio: Maniac Missionary
jawboneradio: Milk Monster
jawboneradio: Scotty, the Evil Pharmacist & Gavin, his Mini-Me
jawboneradio: Diagnostico -World Domination Through Microscopy
jawboneradio: OmegaMan
jawboneradio: Gullible Girl
jawboneradio: Cat Lover
jawboneradio: The Diabolical Duo, SXEPHIL and his less than sexy minion ShayCarl