jawajames: P1180633 Before-the-race photo
jawajames: P1180635 getting ready to go!
jawajames: P1180637 our first stop: Casablanca!
jawajames: P1180639 2nd stop: Ernest Hahn statue at Horton Plaza
jawajames: P1180640 3rd stop: Bad Boys bail bonds
jawajames: P1180641 4th stop: Invictus cross fit
jawajames: P1180642 Backtracking to the downtown firehouse
jawajames: P1180643 Tim proposes
jawajames: P1180644 finding Yogi Berra in Little Italy
jawajames: P1180646 Yogi Berra's banner in Little Italy
jawajames: P1180648 getting someone to do a cartwheel
jawajames: P1180649 Hires root beer mural for a five minute bonus
jawajames: P1180650 last stop: The First Emperor of China
jawajames: P1180651 with Kevin at the finish line
jawajames: P1180653 the top 3 teams and the top family team!
jawajames: P1180655 Go Team Jedi - Second place!
jawajames: P1180656 our 2nd place trophy!
jawajames: P1180663 our race passport, cluesheet, and race bib
jawajames: P1180664 top half of the clue sheet
jawajames: P1180665 cluesheet second half
jawajames: Map of our route with all the checkpoints marked. Also, all photos are geotagged to view in Flickr's map.