jawajames: P1110846 Rehearsing the opening formation
jawajames: P1110847 Rehearsing the opening formation
jawajames: P1110848 Orange and white
jawajames: P1110850 Leia and Rebel Pilots
jawajames: P1110851 Getting back into marching formation for rehearsal
jawajames: P1110854 practicing their entrance
jawajames: P1110859 stay in attack formation!
jawajames: P1110856 wait.. there's a jedi in this line!
jawajames: P1110862 and the standing around is.. .awesome.
jawajames: P1110864 rehearsing...
jawajames: P1110865 and more
jawajames: P1110871 ready to march in for real!
jawajames: P1110872 facing forward
jawajames: P1110873 Yoda chats with Rachel
jawajames: P1110874 is it time yet?
jawajames: P1110875 the Wolfpack leads the way
jawajames: P1110876 getting Fett ready
jawajames: P1110877 clones before TKs
jawajames: P1110878 can you hold my blaster? i need to check my gloves
jawajames: P1110879 ready to move out
jawajames: P1110880 on your marks...
jawajames: P1110881 go!
jawajames: P1110883 and we're off!
jawajames: P1110886 going...
jawajames: P1110890 going...
jawajames: P1110892 Han Solo and Cad bane follow the Empire
jawajames: P1110896 Tuskens, Handmaidens and Jedi, oh my!
jawajames: P1110897 Jawas and Ewoks lead the rebels
jawajames: P1110899 Moving into formation
jawajames: P1110901 Fett heads in