jawajames: P1110150 One end of the table
jawajames: P1110151 Donna, Rachel, Jacob, Gary, Gary, Connie, and Jess
jawajames: P1110152 Daniel, Brandy, Jeremiah
jawajames: P1110153 Vader goes Indy?
jawajames: P1110154 Adam, Brandy and their little one
jawajames: P1110155 Rachel and Jacob make the rounds
jawajames: P1110156 Jeremiah is lucky number infinity
jawajames: P1110157 Brandy shows off a itunes gift card
jawajames: P1110158 Adam opens the first present to get stolen from him.
jawajames: P1110159 what's this? doesn't matter, it's gonna get stolen anyways
jawajames: P1110160 cocoa and mugs for Rachel
jawajames: P1110161 Adam gets a coffee tumbler
jawajames: P1110162 Jess gets a Simpsons puzzle
jawajames: P1110163 Emily and Donny with a hallmark Yoda ornament
jawajames: P1110164 Jeremiah with Star Trek and Star Wars glasses
jawajames: P1110165 The Gary's look at a present
jawajames: P1110166 Gary goes on an Operation!
jawajames: P1110167 Jacob gets a jigsaw puzzle
jawajames: P1110168 Daniel and Jeremiah show off their mugs.. and glasses
jawajames: P1110169 Emily and Donny snag a Captain America shield
jawajames: P1110170 Gary finds two blasters
jawajames: P1110171 David opens another gift - Yoda USB drive
jawajames: P1110172 Gary gets Arkham Asylum
jawajames: P1110173 What could this be?
jawajames: P1110174 David and his scary Santa ball
jawajames: P1110175 Donna wins the Imperial Logo stocking, crocheted by Reynalyn
jawajames: P1110176 Jess, the winner of the Renalyn's R2-D2 beanie in the prize drawing
jawajames: P1110177 All together for the holidays!