jawajames: P1060862 In the shadow of the Rose Bowl
jawajames: P1060863 let's get ready for Super Dare's obstacle course
jawajames: P1060864 - getting ready for the Super Dare obstacle course
jawajames: P1060865 - Kevin explains the course route
jawajames: P1060866 - getting the details on the obstacle course from Kevin
jawajames: P1060867 - Spicy Virgos discuss obstacle course strategy
jawajames: P1060868 - working on the puzzles
jawajames: P1060869 - On your mark, Superman Banana
jawajames: P1060870 - Superman Banana starts the obstacle course
jawajames: P1060872 - Super Karate Monkey Death Car wait for their staggered start time
jawajames: P1060873 on the course
jawajames: P1060875 - going to the Spellbound Dare
jawajames: P1060876 - Long Beach Dutch Girls zip through the jigsaw
jawajames: P1060877 Two teams work on jigsaw puzzles
jawajames: P1060878 - coming in to finish, it's Super Karate Monkey Death Car
jawajames: P1060879 - Super Karate Monkey Death Car nears the end of the obstacle course
jawajames: P1060880 - a long three-legged race
jawajames: P1060881 - Long Beach Dutch Girls cruise in to the finish line
jawajames: P1060882 - The Nads on the home stretch
jawajames: P1060883 - Team Sparky comes in to the finish line of the obstacle course
jawajames: P1060884 - San Diego Urban Dare Superstars approach the finish line
jawajames: P1060885 - SD Urban Dare Superstars finish the three-legged race
jawajames: P1060900 - Jackie and Mack Ronbinson busts near City Hall.
jawajames: P1060907 - need to get to South Pasadena? take the Metro!
jawajames: P1060909 - the outdoor pavilion in Memorial Park would be the site for the clue sheet pick up in the Urban Dare
jawajames: P1060917 Trivia night - Rat Race confers
jawajames: P1060919 Trivia night - Super Karate Monkey Death Car sits up front
jawajames: P1060920 Trivia night
jawajames: P1060921 Trivia night
jawajames: P1060922 Trivia night