jawajames: R2-D2 outside the court building
jawajames: Artoo in downtown San Diego!
jawajames: Artoo and some palm trees.
jawajames: Here we are with Artoo in Mission Valley
jawajames: in the Hotel Circle area of Mission Valley
jawajames: outside Mission Valley Center
jawajames: Artoo-Detoo in Mission Valley, San Diego
jawajames: Artoo mailbox in Modesto
jawajames: James and Gravel find that this Artoo unit has a good postal motivator!
jawajames: Outside the downtown Modesto post office
jawajames: facing the Modesto Bee building
jawajames: Artoo in Modesto
jawajames: Outside the LA Convention Center, for Star Wars Celebration IV
jawajames: fans find the R2 mailbox outside the LA Convention Center for Star Wars Celebration IV.
jawajames: Me at one of the R2-D2 mailboxes at Star Wars Celebration IV