jawajames: P1040648 - AT-AT in the C Lobby
jawajames: P1040649 - Death Star guards the A/B Lobby
jawajames: P1040650
jawajames: P1040651
jawajames: P1040652
jawajames: P1040653
jawajames: P1040655 - Bubo and Jawa
jawajames: P1040656 - Jabba's Throne Room.. in the cantina?
jawajames: P1040657 - a Talz has a drink
jawajames: P1040658 - Ephant Mon watches a drunk Ithorian
jawajames: P1040660 - Sy Snootles and the Max Rebo Band (with Droopy McCool)
jawajames: P1040661 - Snowtrooper with E-web blaster
jawajames: P1040662
jawajames: P1040664 - Even the bollards get the Star Wars treatment
jawajames: P1040666
jawajames: P1040667
jawajames: P1040668 - banners are up for Celebration V!
jawajames: P1040669
jawajames: P1040670 - A little Rebel pilot examines the statue of Ahsoka Tano
jawajames: P1040671 - James and Rachel with the Fan Force banner behind them
jawajames: P1040673
jawajames: P1040674 - an awesome Starkiller costume
jawajames: P1040675 - Lando cologne, complete with little cape
jawajames: P1040676 - an awesome Zayne Carrick costume
jawajames: P1040677 - Dunc and Eliz hand out fans... to the fans.
jawajames: P1040678
jawajames: P1040679 - a team in costume signs up for the Bounty Hunt
jawajames: P1040680 - Rum Sleg, the Mos Espa Spaceman costume
jawajames: P1040681 - Dark Side Ewok?
jawajames: P1040682 - Jacksonville Grievous