jawajames: Choir sextet practices before Mass
jawajames: Choir sextet practices before Mass
jawajames: Julie warms up the piano
jawajames: The full choir in practice
jawajames: The full choir in practice
jawajames: Whitney's performance
jawajames: A reading
jawajames: Fr. JP applauds
jawajames: The Floyd family
jawajames: Sherman and Llumi
jawajames: The Camaclang family
jawajames: Darren and his meringue pie
jawajames: Time for presents!
jawajames: Opening stockings
jawajames: What's in the stocking?
jawajames: Looking through a Toblerone shaped wrapper...
jawajames: ..to find Joseph
jawajames: O Christmas Tree!
jawajames: Dad gets some kitchen utensils
jawajames: Dad and Mom
jawajames: Whitney is happy about Dominion: Seaside
jawajames: Mom opens up a sweater
jawajames: Boxes!
jawajames: Darren gets an earpiece
jawajames: Dad cuts the prime rib