Jawad Q: Waste watcher
Jawad Q: Leaf fall
Jawad Q: Speed bump
Jawad Q: Thesis, antithesis, synthesis.
Jawad Q: Lost puppy
Jawad Q: I love this building!
Jawad Q: Red shift
Jawad Q: Window charm
Jawad Q: Over you like a rash
Jawad Q: Mitten
Jawad Q: Bed in the street
Jawad Q: The kindness of strangers
Jawad Q: Carpaulin
Jawad Q: Default gateway
Jawad Q: ill manor
Jawad Q: Two birds
Jawad Q: 2 chevrons
Jawad Q: Inundation
Jawad Q: 'Playtime' fire exit
Jawad Q: Pebbledash
Jawad Q: Hairway to Steven
Jawad Q: Emergent property
Jawad Q: Hell's teeth!
Jawad Q: Wonky airbrick
Jawad Q: Flecked
Jawad Q: Corkscrew hazel
Jawad Q: Ski jump
Jawad Q: Northumbrian/Mercia boundary, January 2013
Jawad Q: Sunrise reflected on my front window