juances: barrancodefataga5 copia
Jürgen... / OFF....: The Spirit of Christmas
Obsies: Z91_4138©MC
Jürgen... / OFF....: Moment Of Peace
JUCARSANCAR69: machina24dic24-218-Editar
Chencho Mendoza: Torre de Hércules
Sultan Sultani: Looking to Each Other
Francesc F P: Mallerenga de bigotis_Mallerenga de canyar
Francesc F P: Grua europea
juances: lahoradeltiemponorte7 copia
juances: lahoradeltiemponorte7bis copia
jevifer: Corb marí gros/Cormorán grande/Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo)
Markus Branse: Hermit Crab, Buffalo Creek, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia
eitb.eus: La Rhune desde el Jaizkibel hoy
Aristides Díaz: Un tipo curioso
Aristides Díaz: Un descanso
Sultan Sultani: Walking on Dry Leaves
Francesc F P: Oca d'Egipte
Sultan Sultani: Female Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Jürgen... / OFF....: Blue Love xxx
Jürgen... / OFF....: Christmas season
Obsies: Z91_3645©MC
WilliamND4: Cup of Colors.
Andrew Louie Photography: Sunrise n' Shadows
Fabien Serres: En chasse
Sento74: Puerto de Villajoyosa (Enero - 2024)
Jürgen... / OFF....: Tears of a Silent Heart
jevifer: Esparver/Gavilán común/Eurasian Sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus)
eitb.eus: Lainoa