Jauss: Empire State Building
Jauss: South Manhattan
Jauss: South of Manhattan
Jauss: Hudson river
Jauss: On the top of the tops
Jauss: At a street corner
Jauss: The Apple Store on the 5th Av. on a Sunday afternoon
Jauss: The Apple Store at dusk
Jauss: Radio City Hall
Jauss: Times Square
Jauss: Times Square
Jauss: Nasdaq billboard on corner 43 St - Times Square
Jauss: Flat Iron Building
Jauss: On Broadway
Jauss: Apple Store in SoHo on Prince Street
Jauss: SoHo - Spring Street
Jauss: From Broadway
Jauss: Union Square
Jauss: View of the Manhattan southern waterfront
Jauss: View from the City Hall
Jauss: In the middle of the traffic on Canal St.
Jauss: Brass Band on Washington Square
Jauss: The Naked Cowboy on Times Square