JasonUnbound: Having a baby = Best decision ever
JasonUnbound: Bathtime
JasonUnbound: How big is Neva? SO BIG!
JasonUnbound: Watching
JasonUnbound: Feeding Mommy
JasonUnbound: Look at the camera!
JasonUnbound: Adventure
JasonUnbound: Telling her all about it
JasonUnbound: Shopping for garden urns
JasonUnbound: UC Berkeley Botanical Garden
JasonUnbound: Party at a neighbor's
JasonUnbound: Almost there
JasonUnbound: Video: Neva telling me what she sees
JasonUnbound: Yoga with Lisa
JasonUnbound: Cutting irises with Mama
JasonUnbound: Ruth & Neva
JasonUnbound: Valiant attempt
JasonUnbound: Just the two of us
JasonUnbound: All these crazy people!
JasonUnbound: Video: Neva in the bath