JasonN: Humble beginnings
JasonN: Looking good so far
JasonN: ON/Off
JasonN: Photovore belly
JasonN: The Chassis
JasonN: Breadboard'd
JasonN: "The Lab"
JasonN: Tires
JasonN: Preparing the motors for mounting.
JasonN: Connecting the motors.
JasonN: Photovore booty
JasonN: Photovore
JasonN: Wired for testing
JasonN: Wiring the motors.
JasonN: Wiring the motors (2)
JasonN: Motors: Wired.
JasonN: Tight abs.
JasonN: IMGP1400
JasonN: Ah ha! A front wheel!
JasonN: More applications of brass wire.
JasonN: bumper.
JasonN: IMGP1409
JasonN: IMGP1410
JasonN: IMGP1412
JasonN: IMGP1415
JasonN: IMGP1416
JasonN: IMGP1417
JasonN: Ride: Pimped.
JasonN: IMGP1422
JasonN: IMGP1423