Jason M Kelly: Vasilii Timorev (1870-1942) and State Porcelain Factory, Petrograd. Porcelain Plate. Russian. November 1922. Soldier, worker, and peasant facing obelisk rising from ruins of old order. Painted to commemorate 5th anniversary of the October Revolution. Bri
Jason M Kelly: Group Symbolizing the French Revolution. English, probably Staffordshire. ca. 1789. British Museum. MLA 1993, 6-9, 1
Jason M Kelly: William Pitt, Earl of Chatham. English, Derby. ca. 1766. Soft paste porcelain, enamelled, and gilt. British Museum, Franks Collection, MLA Porcelain Cat. II.48.
Jason M Kelly: Wine Glass engraved with portrait of Old Pretender, James Francis Edward Stuart (1688-1766). English, ca. 1760. Glass, wheel engraved. British Museum 1889,10-15,1