Jason M Kelly: Cast of Choragic Monument of Demosthenes, Athens
Jason M Kelly: Cast of Temple of Athena Nike, Athens. Hall of Architecture, Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, U.S.A.
Jason M Kelly: Cast of Caryatid Porch of the Erechtheion, Athens
Jason M Kelly: Composite Cast after the Mausoleum of Halikarnassos
Jason M Kelly: Model of Parthenon
Jason M Kelly: Giovanni Borgnis. Main Hall. c. 1760s. West Wycombe Park, Buckinghamshire, UK
Jason M Kelly: Giovanni Borgnis. Dining Room. c. 1760s. West Wycombe Park, Buckinghamshire, UK.
Jason M Kelly: John Cheere. Bacchus. 1771
Jason M Kelly: Sleeping Ariadne. Late 20th century
Jason M Kelly: After John Cheere. Nymph. Late 20th century. Lead. West Wycombe Park, Buckinghamshire, UK
Jason M Kelly: The Cockpit Arch, West Wycombe Park, Buckinghamshire, UK
Jason M Kelly: Temple of Athena Polias, Priene, statue pedestal
Jason M Kelly: Temple of Athena Polias, Priene.
Jason M Kelly: Doric Capital, Eastern Porch of the Propylaea, Acropolis, Athens
Jason M Kelly: Erechtheion, marble anta-capital from the east porch 5th century BCE
Jason M Kelly: Temple of Rome and Augustus, marble necking drum of an Ionic column
Jason M Kelly: Volute, Temple of Artemis, Ephesus. 4th century BCE
Jason M Kelly: Erechtheion, marble coffer from the ceiling of the north porch (c. 405 BCE)
Jason M Kelly: Cornthian Capital. Delos. 2nd-3rd century CE
Jason M Kelly: Ballustrade with Festoons Hanging from Bulls' Heads. Roman. ca. 2nd century CE
Jason M Kelly: Caryatid, Erechtheion (c. 415 BCE)
Jason M Kelly: Erechtheion, Ionic column from the east porch (5th century BCE)
Jason M Kelly: Belsay Hall, Pillar Hall (1807-17)
Jason M Kelly: Belsay Hall, Pillar Hall (1807-17)
Jason M Kelly: Belsay Hall, Library (1807-17)
Jason M Kelly: Erechtheion Epicranitis (421-405 BCE)
Jason M Kelly: Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Jason M Kelly: Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Jason M Kelly: Triumph of Dionysus and the Seasons sarcophagus. ca. 260–270 CE