Jason McCay: Weather station iced up
Jason McCay: Weather station iced over
Jason McCay: Anemometer
Jason McCay: Solar panels iced up
Jason McCay: Rain Gauge frozen.
Jason McCay: IMG_2266
Jason McCay: Frozen letters
Jason McCay: Freeze...or stop.
Jason McCay: Stop sign in icy pose
Jason McCay: Icicles on the roof
Jason McCay: Icicles on the roof
Jason McCay: Icicles
Jason McCay: My poor weather station
Jason McCay: It is still reporting!
Jason McCay: My mailbox after a southern ice storm
Jason McCay: Icicles on the House
Jason McCay: Icicles from Ice Storm 2005
Jason McCay: Ice on a big oak
Jason McCay: The wind is calm
Jason McCay: Evergreens in ice
Jason McCay: Stop for ice
Jason McCay: Pine trees with ice
Jason McCay: Crepe Myrtles with ice
Jason McCay: What? No mail today?
Jason McCay: My truck is frozen
Jason McCay: Lots o' icicles!
Jason McCay: My weather station frozen over
Jason McCay: Icicles on my fence
Jason McCay: My truck in ice
Jason McCay: Pine sapling in ice