Jason McCay: I Rock with DAXKO
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: DAXKO's booth at General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: DAXKO Racing Team
Jason McCay: Celebrating the final night
Jason McCay: Working on the entertainment
Jason McCay: DAXKO Rocks!
Jason McCay: Me as Zap-man
Jason McCay: DAXKO Rocks!
Jason McCay: Holly, Keith and Toby
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: Loading up for Nashville
Jason McCay: Britney
Jason McCay: Me chatting with Anahiem
Jason McCay: The DAXKO booth
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: Our team relaxing after a busy day
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: DAXKO Rocks!
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: General Assembly 2006
Jason McCay: Putting together the booth
Jason McCay: On the road to Nashville
Jason McCay: Lots of demos