__ Jason Griffith __: Bee buds search flower buds in yellow duds
__ Jason Griffith __: Into the Sun
__ Jason Griffith __: Well, hey there!
__ Jason Griffith __: Hold on against the wind!
__ Jason Griffith __: Pelican Protection
__ Jason Griffith __: Takara and baby Sakari
__ Jason Griffith __: LSU's Mike the Tiger
__ Jason Griffith __: LSU's Mike the Tiger
__ Jason Griffith __: Show your colors
__ Jason Griffith __: Audubon Bird Sanctuary
__ Jason Griffith __: LSU's Mike VI
__ Jason Griffith __: Double-crested Cormorants 01
__ Jason Griffith __: Double-crested Cormorants 02
__ Jason Griffith __: Cormorants 03
__ Jason Griffith __: "Blue leader to blue squadron..."
__ Jason Griffith __: Louisiana Bald Eagle
__ Jason Griffith __: Anotherrrrr.... PAM GRIFFITH!!!!
__ Jason Griffith __: Bayou Bob beheld big beautiful blue birds
__ Jason Griffith __: Louisiana Bald Eagle reprise
__ Jason Griffith __: Marsh Horses
__ Jason Griffith __: Enter the Dragonfly!
__ Jason Griffith __: Run for it Boys!!
__ Jason Griffith __: Peli-cannery Row
__ Jason Griffith __: Afternoon Stroll
__ Jason Griffith __: Runnin' Wild! (Explored)
__ Jason Griffith __: Golden-Hour Pelicans
__ Jason Griffith __: "Boudreaux, Race You to dat Tree!!"
__ Jason Griffith __: Butterfly on Brown Eye