Caricature80: Wizard of Oz cast caricature
Caricature80: Palpatine
Caricature80: Herman Munster and Boris Karloff's Frankenstein
Caricature80: Princess Leia
Caricature80: Princess Mombi and her collection of heads
Caricature80: Christopher Lee as Saruman
Caricature80: Lady Olenna (Diana Rigg) from Game of Thrones
Caricature80: Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtfire
Caricature80: Billie Burke as Glinda
Caricature80: Arthur Schopenhauer
Caricature80: Margaret Hamilton as the Wicked Witch of the West
Caricature80: Elsa Lanchester as the Bride of Frankenstein
Caricature80: Jeanne Cooper as Katherine Chancellor (The Young and the Restless)
Caricature80: Jean Marsh as Queen Bavmorda (Willow)
Caricature80: Agnes Moorehead as Endora (Bewitched)
Caricature80: Gene Wilder as Willy Wonka
Caricature80: Jim Davis as Jock Ewing (Dallas)
Caricature80: Madeleine Stowe in Revenge
Caricature80: Johnny Depp as Edward Scissorhands
Caricature80: Cesar Romero as the Joker
Caricature80: Anjelica Huston
Caricature80: Michael Keaton as Betelgeuse/Beetlejuice
Caricature80: John Brown
Caricature80: Ernest Borgnine
Caricature80: Vincent Price in Edward Scissorhands
Caricature80: Robert Englund as Freddy Kreuger
Caricature80: Frederick Douglass
Caricature80: Betsy Palmer as Mrs. Voorhees (Friday the 13th)
Caricature80: Jesse James
Caricature80: Bea Arthur in The Golden Girls