jasonboucher.net: What a beautiful evening.... How are you?
jasonboucher.net: Living Room - BEFORE
jasonboucher.net: New full length screen storm door, new hallway light, new outside light, painted front door, new rug
jasonboucher.net: Front Door - BEFORE
jasonboucher.net: new paint on the hallway walls...
jasonboucher.net: newly painted walls and a reorganized room that feels so much bigger now.
jasonboucher.net: new area rug, reorganized room that feels a lot larger now.
jasonboucher.net: new hanging plants, new painted walls
jasonboucher.net: Dining Room - BEFORE
jasonboucher.net: Dining Room / Study - BEFORE
jasonboucher.net: new hanging plants on the porch...
jasonboucher.net: polished hardware on the newly painted front door.