bander.bramblegrub: Dungeon Master
bander.bramblegrub: Checking Facts in the Players Handbook
bander.bramblegrub: Pre-Game Pencil Tapping
bander.bramblegrub: Serious About Pictionary
bander.bramblegrub: Hackmaster at RuneCon 2004
bander.bramblegrub: Rare Photo of Hawk Silvus
bander.bramblegrub: Weaponsmith, RuneCon 2004
bander.bramblegrub: HackTourney Team, GenCon 2001
bander.bramblegrub: KoDT Live Reading, GenCon 2001
bander.bramblegrub: A Gamer's Point of View
bander.bramblegrub: Charlie And The Battle Mat
bander.bramblegrub: We Forgot Our Minis
bander.bramblegrub: Jazz Hands
bander.bramblegrub: Something's Attacking Bryan
bander.bramblegrub: Does A 4 Hit?
bander.bramblegrub: Our Beloved DM
bander.bramblegrub: The Fond of Justice League (Summer Plumage)
bander.bramblegrub: Jay, Jamie, Charlie
bander.bramblegrub: Charlie and Ted
bander.bramblegrub: Pay No Attention to the Man Behind The Screen
bander.bramblegrub: Bryan, Greg, and Justin
bander.bramblegrub: AD&D Game 1985