Jason and Nicola: Nicola demonstrating her lifelong Minnesota Snowman making skills
Jason and Nicola: Jason's first snowman!
Jason and Nicola: Eli terrorizes the people on the bus...thankfully they are not real
Jason and Nicola: I am uncontrollably drawn to electronics, cords, and anything fragile...its okay if I touch it right?
Jason and Nicola: I like books
Jason and Nicola: My dad says I throw better than Tony Romo...
Jason and Nicola: Eli really likes to look at pictures of Grandma Debbie and Nana
Jason and Nicola: Eli impersonates a cat
Jason and Nicola: Its like they made this just for me!
Jason and Nicola: Eli stole mommys Jimmy Johns sandwich...he ate almost the whole thing
Jason and Nicola: Daddy let me eat his pear
Jason and Nicola: Reading with Papou
Jason and Nicola: Let me just get my jacket off....zzzz
Jason and Nicola: Grandma Diane brought me a Cow on a Stick!
Jason and Nicola: Grandma Diane is teaching me about trucks
Jason and Nicola: I need more hands
Jason and Nicola: Read it again!
Jason and Nicola: Spatula...check. Pink Tennis Ball...check.
Jason and Nicola: Advanced Spatula Skills
Jason and Nicola: Just so you know...I cant move in this outfit
Jason and Nicola: Cozy ones!
Jason and Nicola: More work than it looks like
Jason and Nicola: Eli almost likes snow...sledding helps
Jason and Nicola: I trust you mommy!
Jason and Nicola: Now the key is not to start going before everyone is on the slide...
Jason and Nicola: I cant believe how much fun this is!