Jason and Nicola: papou and nana fight over holding Eli..Jim won this round
Jason and Nicola: essential greek stuff
Jason and Nicola: Pretty good crowd! They were steady all night
Jason and Nicola: Entrance to the exhibit
Jason and Nicola: I dont know this guy...I am just guessing he is the "Faribault Art Guy"
Jason and Nicola: One of the display tables
Jason and Nicola: Nana with her favorite accessory
Jason and Nicola: Nicola spent a great deal of time figuring out which pictures to try to convince her dad that he ought give to her...
Jason and Nicola: Eli loves looking at pictures...well at least picture frames
Jason and Nicola: Our first art opening as a family!
Jason and Nicola: Jim and Paula proud to have pulled it off
Jason and Nicola: Nicola broke out her Greek attire for the occasion!
Jason and Nicola: The Greek Flag let visitors know they were in a special place
Jason and Nicola: It's Greece to Me
Jason and Nicola: The Very Reverend serving up Oozo shots after his opening
Jason and Nicola: Jim reveals secrets of the old Greeks