Jason and Nicola: Can I take a nap now?
Jason and Nicola: Mommy and Eli
Jason and Nicola: my mommy likes to make me wear things with ears so l look like a baby animal...
Jason and Nicola: a little big on me...but still cute
Jason and Nicola: attempted raspberry
Jason and Nicola: weightless
Jason and Nicola: never look directly at the camera
Jason and Nicola: well look who is still awake 20 minutes into his photo shoot!
Jason and Nicola: Happy Daddy
Jason and Nicola: daddy...my head is falling over...can you help me out?
Jason and Nicola: Baby feet
Jason and Nicola: working on my heisman pose...
Jason and Nicola: First Viana Family Photo
Jason and Nicola: Look what we did!
Jason and Nicola: Some say I have greasy hair...I say its stylish
Jason and Nicola: Cozy little hands!
Jason and Nicola: Fat Baby Cheeks