Jason and Nicola: little people holding littler people...cute!
Jason and Nicola: Eli meets his cousins tyler and carter
Jason and Nicola: puzzle time!
Jason and Nicola: Tyler and Carter tackle a giant puzzle with Nana and Papou
Jason and Nicola: Anna brought a boatload of little boy clothes from Seattle!
Jason and Nicola: Eli's first bottle!
Jason and Nicola: Uncle Josh giving Eli some workout tips
Jason and Nicola: Rachel looks happy to meet Eli
Jason and Nicola: Bapa and Anna with Eli
Jason and Nicola: Uncle Josh and Bailey
Jason and Nicola: Bailey still fascinated meeting someone smaller than her
Jason and Nicola: Behind the Scenes of the Zotalis Photo Shoot
Jason and Nicola: Zotalis Family 2011
Jason and Nicola: The Holidays can make you crazy...
Jason and Nicola: Cozying with Nana...
Jason and Nicola: Auntie Rachel came and spent the day with Mommy and Eli
Jason and Nicola: Thanks to Great-Granddaddy for my first Auburn Gear! War Eagle!
Jason and Nicola: Monkey Bouncer Rocks!
Jason and Nicola: Papou and the Reindeer Butt
Jason and Nicola: Helping Nana Cook!
Jason and Nicola: Waiting for Santa...or a diaper change...whichever...