point_click_shoot: Cracking Up
point_click_shoot: Diving in & Hanging Out
point_click_shoot: Teching my wife about Aperature Priority
point_click_shoot: The *real* Stairclimber
point_click_shoot: Keeping a close eye on my things
point_click_shoot: Cooking lunch!
point_click_shoot: Dog toy at rest
point_click_shoot: Tools of the Trade
point_click_shoot: Leveling the playing field
point_click_shoot: Titan Tailgate
point_click_shoot: Eye of the Titan
point_click_shoot: Breakfast Remains
point_click_shoot: My Favorite Vanilla from Mexico...mmmm
point_click_shoot: Stiff Drink
point_click_shoot: Stiff Drink II
point_click_shoot: Captain's Chair
point_click_shoot: Rising to the top
point_click_shoot: Burning Rubber II
point_click_shoot: Burning Rubber!
point_click_shoot: My 1st camera
point_click_shoot: My favorite seat in/out of the house.
point_click_shoot: My 06 Titan
point_click_shoot: Lost Bubble
point_click_shoot: Rising Bubble
point_click_shoot: What's for Lunch?