jason0x21: Take the long view.
jason0x21: Or the wide view.
jason0x21: Shell almost done.
jason0x21: My only tool is aspect ratio.
jason0x21: Garage side.
jason0x21: Interior scaffolding.
jason0x21: Watch that first step.
jason0x21: Love the proposed window width.
jason0x21: Rolling clouds off the deck.
jason0x21: Rolling hills off the deck.
jason0x21: Basement
jason0x21: Thistle?
jason0x21: Ready to move in.
jason0x21: Once again.
jason0x21: All about aspect ratio.
jason0x21: The new homestead.
jason0x21: distant springhouse
jason0x21: More sloping land
jason0x21: Pond
jason0x21: The approach
jason0x21: Up the hill
jason0x21: Copse
jason0x21: Base of the hill
jason0x21: More walls.
jason0x21: Power Tools!
jason0x21: Central Support.
jason0x21: Looks done from the outside.
jason0x21: More finish.
jason0x21: Fireplace is done.
jason0x21: There will be a railing.