jason0x21: MOAR PIE.
jason0x21: Disturbing motif.
jason0x21: Caught.
jason0x21: Pumpkin Pie
jason0x21: View from the gap!
jason0x21: Should have turned around 10 minutes ago.
jason0x21: Slightly longer exposure.
jason0x21: The food is overwhelming me.
jason0x21: Fear my EDICT!
jason0x21: Deep forest.
jason0x21: Baby likes beer.
jason0x21: Pies, actually.
jason0x21: Cornucopia.
jason0x21: Buffet Style.
jason0x21: No Trespassing.
jason0x21: Stanley, VA after dark.
jason0x21: I have no hiking shoes.
jason0x21: Please do not call social services.
jason0x21: Wait, we have to go back?
jason0x21: I have no hiking skills.
jason0x21: Break!