Jennifer's On-line Album: This will all go into our two backpacks.
Jennifer's On-line Album: Little did I know that it would be another 5 hours before we actually got to the foot of the track.
Jennifer's On-line Album: The start of the track.
Jennifer's On-line Album: Walking through the station.
Jennifer's On-line Album: Bridge crossing
Jennifer's On-line Album: The start of the track.
Jennifer's On-line Album: A lovely site for camping, first night.
Jennifer's On-line Album: The shelter I thought didn't exist.
Jennifer's On-line Album: Yes yes, love the headware. It was hot!
Jennifer's On-line Album: Mt. Cook lillies
Jennifer's On-line Album: It was a long way down from where we were standing.
Jennifer's On-line Album: Standing on the Saddle
Jennifer's On-line Album: Looking at what we've accomplished so far.
Jennifer's On-line Album: Jennifer and Dave and the Dart Glacier
Jennifer's On-line Album: Upper Dart Valley
Jennifer's On-line Album: Mountain flowers