Jennifer's On-line Album: Jennifer, the Samurai
Jennifer's On-line Album: Captain Trouble and his sidekick, also Trouble
Jennifer's On-line Album: Yonezawa is famous for...
Jennifer's On-line Album: Children's Day
Jennifer's On-line Album: Children's Day
Jennifer's On-line Album: Children's Day
Jennifer's On-line Album: Children's Day
Jennifer's On-line Album: On our way to the fight
Jennifer's On-line Album: this is where the fight will take place
Jennifer's On-line Album: more carp flags
Jennifer's On-line Album: What is Yonezawa famous for?
Jennifer's On-line Album: It tasted pretty good
Jennifer's On-line Album: One of the shopkeepers leapt out from behind her booth and offered to take our picture.
Jennifer's On-line Album: Photo op with samurai
Jennifer's On-line Album: Flags representing the different fighting groups (I think)
Jennifer's On-line Album: Waiting for the fight to begin
Jennifer's On-line Album: Laxmi, taking it easy
Jennifer's On-line Album: Jennifer and Nathan
Jennifer's On-line Album: who IS this girl?
Jennifer's On-line Album: taking a nap before the sho
Jennifer's On-line Album: the super trouble makers
Jennifer's On-line Album: a very small dog
Jennifer's On-line Album: marching off to battle
Jennifer's On-line Album: the gaigokugin batallion