Jennifer's On-line Album: a typical day in Yamagata as of lately
Jennifer's On-line Album: the weather. looking dreary all over Japan
Jennifer's On-line Album: first stop! how are we doing folks!?
Jennifer's On-line Album: frogs at Max Value stop
Jennifer's On-line Album: frogs at Max Value stop
Jennifer's On-line Album: the first night camping
Jennifer's On-line Album: our camping spot: the Akita Prefectural Museum parking lot
Jennifer's On-line Album: an unexpected evening companion
Jennifer's On-line Album: Dave and Ilka getting breakfast started
Jennifer's On-line Album: cooking breakfast
Jennifer's On-line Album: a view from the car, rice fields galore!
Jennifer's On-line Album: HOLIDAY : exactly what I was thinking
Jennifer's On-line Album: Stef, our steadfast driver
Jennifer's On-line Album: brief stop to get a wiff of ocean air in Akita
Jennifer's On-line Album: before the trip
Jennifer's On-line Album: "so, where are we going? is that a bear on the map?"
Jennifer's On-line Album: Dave, "fighto fighto"
Jennifer's On-line Album: Mud mud and more mud
Jennifer's On-line Album: Illka watching dinner being made
Jennifer's On-line Album: getting Dave's stove started is always an exciting moment!