jasmine008: A marker on the VERY long Pacific Crest Trail
jasmine008: The forest
jasmine008: Mt. Hood from Bald Mountain
jasmine008: Sandy galcier (?) on Mt. Hood
jasmine008: Creeks down Mt. Hood
jasmine008: Mt. Hood
jasmine008: pretty purple flowers
jasmine008: berries
jasmine008: The reflection in the puddle
jasmine008: Smilacina racemosa (False Soloman's Seal)
jasmine008: Vine maples turning red (already!)
jasmine008: This is where we hiked
jasmine008: Our own Rivendell
jasmine008: Mt. Hood
jasmine008: Mt. St. Helens
jasmine008: waterfall
jasmine008: Mt. Hood behind a runoff lake
jasmine008: Prints in the mud from the ponds
jasmine008: My pet bird for the lunch break
jasmine008: Fly away!
jasmine008: Closer view of the mountain
jasmine008: a cool bird
jasmine008: Glacier
jasmine008: Me and my favorite mountain
jasmine008: Dikes on Mt. Hood
jasmine008: Blues
jasmine008: Can anyone identify me?
jasmine008: Noble firs
jasmine008: A nice view of Mt. Hood.
jasmine008: Moon, three planets, and star.