jasmeet: Music was so loud in HoS, we all went outside
jasmeet: Birfday boy finally gets here
jasmeet: That car is just parked there
jasmeet: Sidekicks
jasmeet: Corporate Branding
jasmeet: Jason and Jonas
jasmeet: MX, Derek and Courtney
jasmeet: Laughing Squid and Mrs Laughing Squid
jasmeet: Courtney Face!
jasmeet: Shlomo
jasmeet: Shlomo, Laughing Squids
jasmeet: For those of you with feet fetish
jasmeet: HOS
jasmeet: Geek girl * 2
jasmeet: Ariel shot
jasmeet: The only shot with me in it
jasmeet: Meta meta meta meta...
jasmeet: Ariel shot #2
jasmeet: I think this is whenere Jason Schupp shows up
jasmeet: Once around the table
jasmeet: Flash Overdose
jasmeet: "he's taking our picture, I'm going to do an Einstein pose"
jasmeet: Tantek does the hand thing