jasmeet: Gmail's April 1st Gag
jasmeet: Apple does not like my default email address
jasmeet: Some security image... I can't even read it
jasmeet: Google is dirty minded!
jasmeet: Firefox for Mac OS X should use Mac OS X Screenshots
jasmeet: My first iTunes Purchase
jasmeet: Holy Recursiveness Batman!
jasmeet: Arrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggg!
jasmeet: Bluetooth Transfer Dialogue a Little Crazy in Panther
jasmeet: Midnight O' Clock
jasmeet: Skype on Pocket PC
jasmeet: Solitaire
jasmeet: This icon was created in 1976?
jasmeet: Cock for Dummies?
jasmeet: BloggerCon Traffic
jasmeet: X-Men Legends has a Weight Requirement?
jasmeet: Cross My Fingers?!
jasmeet: Tomorrow?
jasmeet: Free WiFi @ The Metreon
jasmeet: You're too smart for us
jasmeet: Oh, you're just saying that
jasmeet: Bluespoon Available! Or is it...?
jasmeet: Smultron Icon is one of my favorite designed icons
jasmeet: Oh sure, blame me.
jasmeet: Whoa whoa whoa!
jasmeet: Just beautiful
jasmeet: Wha...?
jasmeet: Another favorite theme. Glassy
jasmeet: Disco Theme
jasmeet: Star Theme