JasePhotos: A Room With A View
JasePhotos: A Different Landscape
JasePhotos: Tenacity
JasePhotos: A Sentinel
JasePhotos: Hiking the Narrows
JasePhotos: The Virgin River
JasePhotos: Virgin River Rapids
JasePhotos: A Showoff
JasePhotos: Wildflowers in one of the Hanging Gardens
JasePhotos: Ground Squirrel keeping an eye on me
JasePhotos: Virgin River Rapids under the dry Temple of Sinawava Waterfall
JasePhotos: My next door neighbor
JasePhotos: Mule Deer in the trees
JasePhotos: A small waterfall near the Lower Emerald Pool
JasePhotos: The Middle Emerald Pool
JasePhotos: Cooling my heels, literally, in the Upper Emerald Pool
JasePhotos: Al conquers the Upper Emerald Pool
JasePhotos: Cliches are Fun (Part 1)
JasePhotos: Looking Up Canyon
JasePhotos: Kevin shooting Al
JasePhotos: They don't call them the Emerald Pools for Nothing
JasePhotos: Lower Emerald Pool Waterfall
JasePhotos: Warning!
JasePhotos: Ranch outside of Torrey, Utah
JasePhotos: In the Desert, Underneath the Charging Sky
JasePhotos: Don't Fence Me In
JasePhotos: Storms outside of Torrey, Utah
JasePhotos: Ho Made Pies? Isn't that what got Imus in trouble?
JasePhotos: Sunset outside of Bicknell, UT
JasePhotos: Going a little Ansel