jaschu: The Echo Park Time Travel Mart
jaschu: The window display
jaschu: Victorian iPods, $8.99
jaschu: Scarlet Letters for various offences
jaschu: TK Brand Time-Freezy Hyper Slush
jaschu: No Freezies
jaschu: Brooke Shields poster, $5.99
jaschu: Pac-Man poster, $5.99
jaschu: Ocular devices
jaschu: Specs of yesterday, today, and tomorrow
jaschu: Mostly yesterday and today
jaschu: Mirrorshades
jaschu: Drinks...?
jaschu: Inca Kola
jaschu: Jupiter Farms Robot Milk
jaschu: Ah Ha brand Zero
jaschu: Ah Ha brand Zero
jaschu: How to use Zero
jaschu: Time machine energy source, $24.99
jaschu: TK Brand robot toupee, $4.99
jaschu: TK Brand robot emotions
jaschu: TK Brand robot emotion: guilt
jaschu: Votives for the patron saints of time travel
jaschu: Votive detail
jaschu: Wallace's condensed primordial soup
jaschu: Wallace's condensed primordial soup
jaschu: Time Travel brand shade
jaschu: Time Travel brand shade, the instructions
jaschu: Isms, $8.99, and mood rings, $4.99
jaschu: 1818 Romanticism, mood rings