The Jarz: Right before the storm
The Jarz: Immediately before the storm hit
The Jarz: Outside our side door
The Jarz: The tree that fell on neighbors car, smashing out her back window
The Jarz: Our cabin, this gives a good view of how big the tree was
The Jarz: Yes, these were THROUGH the roof, not on it
The Jarz: Our cabin
The Jarz: Uprooted tree by the dock
The Jarz: This house was lucky... trees downed on all sides of it but none on the house.
The Jarz: Trees crossing the resort road
The Jarz: Entrance to Cycle Lake
The Jarz: Looking at our house from the entrance
The Jarz: Our cabin
The Jarz: Looking out of our back porch windows
The Jarz: Debris throughout the yard
The Jarz: Three uprooted trees