jaroslavd: Before the Rally
jaroslavd: No fees for degrees!
jaroslavd: Nope!
jaroslavd: Pyne puts the N in cuts! Stop Supply Before July!
jaroslavd: Human needs before corporate greed
jaroslavd: No more government terrorism!
jaroslavd: Welcome to the Abbottoir!
jaroslavd: Deception equals Fraud!
jaroslavd: March in May rally - Victoria Park
jaroslavd: Ditch the rich!
jaroslavd: Eat the rich!
jaroslavd: March in May rally - George Street
jaroslavd: Abbott representing the 1%
jaroslavd: Wheelie Bin Boom Box!
jaroslavd: Utterly Offensive!
jaroslavd: March in May rally - George Street
jaroslavd: Liar! Liar! Pants on Fire!
jaroslavd: Liar! Liar! Budgie smugglers on fire!
jaroslavd: Because I Care
jaroslavd: March in May rally - Belmore Park
jaroslavd: Fuck Tony Abbott!