Jarod Carruthers: Excuse me Sir, do you know you have a monkey on your back?
Jarod Carruthers: Chilling out
Jarod Carruthers: Rice harvesting
Jarod Carruthers: Never alone
Jarod Carruthers: Cocktail time
Jarod Carruthers: North Beach
Jarod Carruthers: Thank for smile
Jarod Carruthers: Romance and trust
Jarod Carruthers: Tropicalifragilisticexpialidocious
Jarod Carruthers: Let it grow
Jarod Carruthers: Offerings
Jarod Carruthers: Eggs on head
Jarod Carruthers: Happy man
Jarod Carruthers: Rice in hand
Jarod Carruthers: Relaxing in Gili T
Jarod Carruthers: Near Tannah Lot
Jarod Carruthers: Tannah Lot